New Delhi (03.09.2024): The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has registered cases against Amit Lodha (IPS: 1998: BH) and wife Komudi Lodha which is probing charges against them against cases of relating to DA and others. Amit Lodha is presently posted as IG in State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB). The state vigilance department had also registered the DA case against him in December 2022 when he was DIG of Magadh range in Bihar. ED's complaint against Amit Lodha is based on this very case.
Lodha, whose book the Bihar Diaries’ Netflix avatar 'Khakee: The Bihar Chapter,' became a rage, was suspended following an FIR registered against him. As per the All India Services Rules, bureaucrats need to inform and seek government permission if they pursue artistic though professional propositions and enter into any commercial deal for the same. Apparently, Lodha failed to do so while writing the book and also when he entered into a deal with the production house ‘Friday Storytellers’ which made the series for Netflix. A senior official had then told Indianmandarins that he at many occasions he joined the filming locations without seeking leave.
New Delhi (03.09.2024): The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has registered cases against Amit Lodha (IPS: 1998: BH) and wife Komudi Lodha which is probing charges against them against cases of relating to DA and others. Amit Lodha is presently posted as IG in State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB). The state vigilance department had also registered the DA case against him in December 2022 when he was DIG of Magadh range in Bihar. ED's complaint against Amit Lodha is based on this very case.
Lodha, whose book the Bihar Diaries’ Netflix avatar 'Khakee: The Bihar Chapter,' became a rage, was suspended following an FIR registered against him. As per the All India Services Rules, bureaucrats need to inform and seek government permission if they pursue artistic though professional propositions and enter into any commercial deal for the same. Apparently, Lodha failed to do so while writing the book and also when he entered into a deal with the production house ‘Friday Storytellers’ which made the series for Netflix. A senior official had then told Indianmandarins that he at many occasions he joined the filming locations without seeking leave.