
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI) on 03.11.2023

By IndianMandarins- 03 Nov 2023


New Delhi (03.11.2023): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Friday are as follows:
  • Krishna Kumar Dwivedi (IAS: 1996: AM), Additional Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship was repatriated to his parent cadre on the request of the Government of Assam.
  • Jagdish Parwani (lDSE: 1988), Director in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs was prematurely repatriated to his parent cadre on personal grounds w.e.f. 20.11.2023. 
  • Tenure of Manoj Pandey (IRS IT:1992), Joint Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, was extended for a period of one year beyond 20.10.2023.

  • Pravin Madhukar Pawar (IPS: 2003: KT) was inducted to the post of Joint Director, CBI for a period of five years.

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