
Appointments & recommendations (GoI):- 25.05.2022

By IndianMandarins- 25 May 2022


New Delhi (25.05.2022): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Wednesday are as follows:

  • Dr. Vibha Chahal (IAS:2012:UP) was appointed as Private Secretary to the Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare (Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar) at the level of Deputy Secretary for a period of five years.
  • Mahesh Bhagwat Dale (IDAS:2011), Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Ayush, was prematurely repatriated to his parent cadre on personal grounds with extended cooling off.
  • Ravish Prasad (IOFS:2010) was appointed as Deputy Secretary in the  Department of Defence for a period of four years.
  • Ram Singh (lAS:2008:AM) was appointed as Director in the Department of Telecommunications for a period of five years.

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