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Two pvt sector executives for Central PSUs

By IndianMandarins- 28 Jul 2017

two-pvt-sector-executives-for-central-psus Two recent decisions taken by the public sector headhunter assume greater significance as for the first time candidates from the private sector have been recommended by the PESB for the board level post after a resolution of June 10, 2016. PESB on July 18  selected Kadattur Ranganathan Vasudevan, Jt GM in a private sector company (PPL), for Director (Finance) Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL). Vasudevan became the first private sector executive to be selected post June 10, 2016 resolution; and that too in the coal sector where several internal candidates appeared before the board for interview. The very next week that is on July 24, 2017, PESB selected another private sector executive Chintan Navinbhai Shah for the post of Director (Tech), Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA). It may well be underlined that renewable energy has been priority of the NaMo administration.

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