
Appointments & Recommendations (GoI):- 22.03.2023

By IndianMandarins- 22 Mar 2023


New Delhi (22.03.2023): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Wednesday are as follows:

  • Sibi Chakkravarthy M (IAS: 2008: MP), Director, Cabinet Secretariat was prematurely repatriated to his parent cadre on personal grounds.
  • Naveen Kumar Agarwal (IRSEE:1998), National Textiles Corporation Ltd, was entrusted with the additional charge of CVO, National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Delhi for a period of three months. 
  • PESB recommended Saurav Chauhan (Captain, Indian Navy) for the post of Director (O&M), Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd (BECIL). 

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